[Python-Dev] PEP 394 request for pronouncement (python2 symlink in *nix systems)

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Tue Feb 14 15:44:35 CET 2012

On Feb 14, 2012, at 12:38 PM, Nick Coghlan wrote:

>> One other thing I'd like to see the PEP address is a possible migration
>> strategy to python->python3.  Even if that strategy is "don't do it, man!".
>> IOW, can a distribution change the 'python' symlink once it's pointed to
>> python2?  What is the criteria for that?  Is it up to a distribution?  Will
>> the PEP get updated when our collective wisdom says its time to change the
>> default?  etc.
>I have no idea, and I'm not going to open that can of worms for this
>PEP. We need to say something about the executable aliases so that
>people can eventually write cross-platform python2 shebang lines, but
>how particular distros actually manage the transition is going to
>depend more on their infrastructure and community than it is anything
>to do with us.

Then I think all the PEP needs to say is that it is explicitly up to the
distros to determine if, when, where, and how they transition.  I.e. take it
off of python-dev's plate.

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