[Python-Dev] hg.python.org should default to defaut, not 2.7

"Martin v. Löwis" martin at v.loewis.de
Thu Aug 30 23:53:07 CEST 2012

Am 30.08.12 22:34, schrieb Ethan Furman:
>>> If one goes to http://hg.python.org/cpython/ and clicks 'browse', it
>>> defaults to 2.7, not to default (now 3.3). Moreover, there is no
>>> indication that it is defaulting to an old branch rather than current
>>> default, as one might reasonably expect. I found this very confusing
>>> when I was trying to get a link for a python-list post and the code
>>> did not look right.
>> It defaults to "tip" which is the most recently pushed change set. At
>> the moment, it just so happens that tip is a 2.7 change set. Usually a
>> change set for "default" will be the most recent but not always. You
>> just need to check the branch list.
> So is it not possible to have the default stay at "default" instead of
> at "tip"?

It becomes challenging when you look at the other links:

The bz2/zip/gz links: should they archive default or tip?
[I guess you want them to archive default as well]

The log link (which is actually the default page): should it log
all changes including tip, or start at the head of default?
[Do you really want it to suppress changes that are older than
  default's head?]

The graph link: starting from default head, or tip?
[same issue as log]

The changeset link: tip or default?
[I cannot guess what you would prefer. I personally think
all changesets should be hyperlinked in the shortlog, and
the shortlog shouldn't include a changeset navlink. This
is probably intended, except that it breaks for changesets
with tracker issue numbers in their description.]

tags and branches are special cases - they always consider all
of them (where "all tags" is "all .hgtags entries from all
active (?) branches' heads"); help is also special.


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