[Python-Dev] unittest missing assertNotRaises

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Wed Sep 28 13:04:06 CEST 2011

On 27/09/2011 19:46, Wilfred Hughes wrote:
> Hi folks
> I wasn't sure if this warranted a bug in the tracker, so I thought I'd 
> raise it here first.
> unittest has assertIn, assertNotIn, assertEqual, assertNotEqual and so 
> on. So, it seems odd to me that there isn't assertNotRaises. Is there 
> any particular motivation for not putting it in?
> I've attached a simple patch against Python 3's trunk to give an idea 
> of what I have in mind.

As others have said, the opposite of assertRaises is just calling the code!

I have several times needed regression tests that call code that *used* 
to raise an exception. It can look slightly odd to have a test without 
an assert, but the singular uselessness of assertNotRaises does not make 
it a better alternative. I usually add a comment:

def test_something_that_used_to_not_work(self):
     # this used to raise an exception

All the best,

Michael Foord

> Thanks
> Wilfred
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