[Python-Dev] range objects in 3.x

Ethan Furman ethan at stoneleaf.us
Fri Sep 23 22:23:26 CEST 2011

Benjamin Peterson wrote:
> 2011/9/23 Ethan Furman <ethan at stoneleaf.us>:
>> Follow-up question: since the original range returned lists, and comparisons
>> do make sense for lists, should the new range also implement them?
> What would be the use-case?

The only reason I'm aware of at the moment is to prevent loss of 
functionality from 2.x range to 3.x range.

I'm -0 with a decision to not have range be orderable; but I understand 
there are bigger fish to fry.  :)

My original concern was that the comparison methods were there at all, 
but looking around I see object has them, so it makes sense to me now. 
I had thought I would have to implement them if I went ahead with an 
frange (for floats).

>> I note
>> that it does implement __contains__, __getitem__, count, and index in the
>> same way that list does.
> That's because it implements the Sequence ABC.

So the question becomes, Why does it implement the Sequence ABC? 
Because the original range returned a list and those operations made sense?


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