[Python-Dev] Multigigabyte memory usage in the OpenIndiana Buildbot

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Thu Sep 8 09:18:05 CEST 2011

Hello Jesus,

> I sorry to bother you with these details
> and waste of time, but could you possibly change my buildbot
> configurarion to launch, let's say, 4 test processes in parallel, just
> for testing?

Ok, I've added "-j4", let's how that works.

> Another option would be to have a single Python process and "fork" for
> each test. That would launch each test in a separate process without
> requiring a full python interpreter launching each time. Is this the
> way "-j" is implemented

It uses subprocess actually, so fork() + exec() is used.

> BTW, the (nice and helpful) OpenIndiana folks have told me a few hours
> ago that they would increase my swap limit to 16GB. I am now waiting
> for this change to be done.

Good news :)



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