[Python-Dev] order of Misc/ACKS

Georg Brandl g.brandl at gmx.net
Sat Nov 12 10:24:43 CET 2011

Am 12.11.2011 08:03, schrieb Stephen J. Turnbull:
> Eli Bendersky writes:
>  > special locale. It makes me wonder whether it's possible to have a
>  > contradiction in the ordering, i.e. have a set of names that just
>  > can't be sorted in any order acceptable by everyone.
> Yes, it is.  The examples were already given in this thread.  The
> Han-using languages also have this problem, and Japanese is
> nondetermistic all by itself (there are kanji names which for
> historical reasons are pronounced in several different ways, and
> therefore cannot be placed in phonetic order without additional
> information).
> The sensible thing is to just sort in Unicode code point order, I
> think.

The sensible thing is to accept that there is no solution, and to stop


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