[Python-Dev] cpython: Fix closes issue #11109 - socketserver.ForkingMixIn leaves zombies, also fails

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Wed May 25 18:55:13 CEST 2011

On Wed, 25 May 2011 18:26:46 +0200
senthil.kumaran <python-checkins at python.org> wrote:
> A new method called service_action is made available in BaseServer, called by
> serve_forever loop. This useful in cases where Mixins can use it for cleanup
> action. ForkingMixin class uses service_action to collect the zombie child
> processes. Initial Patch by Justin Wark.

Is it reasonable, performance-wise, to do this at every iteration of
the loop (that is, at every incoming connection)?



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