[Python-Dev] sprints and pushes

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Wed Mar 23 19:13:54 CET 2011

On Wed, 23 Mar 2011 13:58:31 -0400
Tres Seaver <tseaver at palladion.com> wrote:
> That doesn't work so well at a sprint, where the point is to maximize
> the value of precious face-time to get stuff done *now*.  Long test
> latencies and nearly-real-time collaboration are not friendly, as the
> agile folks document:
>  http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?TestSpeed
> Maybe we need to chop the problem up as:
> - - Pure documentation changes never require running any test suite
>   (this includes true comments in code, as well as docstrings which
>   are not used to drive doctests or other tested output).
> - - "core" language changes always require running the full test suite.
> - - We compute an import-dependency map for the stdlib (maybe during
>   build?), and add support for running tests of a named module and its
>   dependents. Any non-documentation change to a stdlib module requires
>   running this new kind of test against that module.

I agree that finding ways to speedup running tests *without* reducing
the necessary coverage is the right way to go.
Part of that is obviously about optimizing the tests themselves
(something which I and others have been doing repeatedly, including the
addition of the "-j" switch).
The dependency map is another idea.

All this needs work and is therefore more difficult than blacklisting
some "slow" tests, but is much more productive in the long run.



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