[Python-Dev] Hg: inter-branch workflow

Éric Araujo merwok at netwok.org
Mon Mar 21 03:49:17 CET 2011

> I have been avoiding hg import because my understanding is that it
> defaults to commit, and I don't see that it has any advantage over patch
> itself.
“hg import” understands the extended diff format, which patch does not.
 (That format has been described a number of times already, see

“hg import --no-commit” is basically a patch command that understands
the extended format.  (Pro tip: it can be abbreviated to “hg import
--no-c”, as Mercurial accepts unambiguous abbreviations of commands and

“hg import” can also use metadata in changeset files, that is, diffs
with a special header containing the parent, date, author and commit
message, such as produced by “hg export”.  (Having symmetric names
without compatibility would be nothing short of criminal, but I’ve found
Mercurial satisfyingly consistent in those matters.)

> I'll have to check that out.
Remember that “hg help command” is always here, and that the Mercurial
wiki and search engines have a lot of complementary information.


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