[Python-Dev] VM and Language summit info for those not at Pycon (and those that are!)

Jesse Noller jnoller at gmail.com
Sun Mar 20 13:51:04 CET 2011


> IMHO, taking modules that currently only have a C implementation due to
> performance constraints and rewriting them in Cython is a much more
> worthwhile thing to do than adding an alternative pure Python implementation
> that other Python runtimes wouldn't use anyway. And at least IronPython
> could soon benefit directly from a Cython implementation as well.
> Stefan

The other python implementation expressed serious interest, and are
willing to help support a shared standard library, and shared modules.
So saying they "won't use them anyway" may apply to things such as the
io module, but is far from the truth for the entire standard library.

You're also asking that we depend on Cython within core, which while
it has it's benefits, I think warrants a PEP and a working
implementation to show the potential speedups you're talking about
before we can agree to include it/depend on it.


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