[Python-Dev] Please retract my committer rights

Senthil Kumaran orsenthil at gmail.com
Fri Mar 18 15:48:14 CET 2011

Doug Hellmann wrote:

> On Mar 18, 2011, at 9:59 AM, Jesse Noller wrote:
> > Terry Reedy wrote:
> >> there are several open issues. There is certainly a opening for a new person
> >> with C experience.
> > 
> > about on the PSF blog. Having another ctypes expert is pretty
> > critical (everyone I know is using it)
> Is there a "job description" for a ctypes maintainer? Where should

I am the only one who is finding the following phrases amusing?!

- "opening for a new person"
- "another ctypes expert is pretty critical"
- "job description"
- "send people to.."


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