[Python-Dev] hg pull failed

skip at pobox.com skip at pobox.com
Sun Mar 6 18:43:31 CET 2011

    Georg> If you don't change repo configuration after these commands, "hg
    Georg> pull" in the 3.2 repo will pull from the local cpython repo.  I'd
    Georg> advise to set the "default" entry in each of the clones' .hg/hgrc
    Georg> file to http://hg.python.org/cpython (as a committer you should
    Georg> be using ssh://hg@hg.python.org/cpython BTW).

Thanks.  That's not what the dev guide says in its intro here:


(That is, the dev guide has a new sub-audience other than just people new to
Python core development.  It also now has to cater a little to people like
me with little Mercurial experience.)

    Georg> This way, "hg push" and "hg pull" communicate with the remote
    Georg> repo.

I don't like that at all.

    Georg> You can still exchange commits with the other local clones by
    Georg> using, for example, "hg push ../3.2".  (You can also add another
    Georg> entry in the .hgrc's [paths] section if you want to give
    Georg> nicknames to these path names).

That seems better.



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