[Python-Dev] Location of tests for packages

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Mon Jan 24 21:39:27 CET 2011

On Jan 24, 2011, at 11:46 AM, Raymond Hettinger wrote:

>P.S.  I've discussed this with Michael and his preference is against going
>back to the Py3.1 style where the tests were under Lib/test.  He thinks the
>current tree makes it easier to sync with Py2.7 and the unittest2 third-party
>module.  Also, he likes grepping the regular source and tests all at once.

Which seem like compelling reasons to keep things the way they are for
unittest, in addition to the fact that we're already in RC for 3.2, so you
would need RM approval to make such a change this late in the process.

I agree that it's not ideal, but for certain packages that are also
distributed separately, it can be much easier to keep the tests with the code,
and I'm inclined to defer to the primary maintainer's preference.

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