[Python-Dev] Moving stuff out of Misc and over to the devguide

Georg Brandl g.brandl at gmx.net
Mon Jan 17 21:36:04 CET 2011

Am 17.01.2011 21:32, schrieb Brett Cannon:
> There is a bunch of stuff in Misc that probably belongs in the
> devguide (under Resources) instead of in svn. Here are the files I
> think can be moved (in order of how strongly I think they should be
> moved):
> README.coverty
> README.klocwork
> README.valgrind
> Porting
> developers.txt
> maintainers.rst
> SpecialBuilds.txt
> Now before anyone yells "that is inconvenient", don't forget that all
> core developers can check out and edit the devguide, and that almost
> all of the files listed (SpecialBuilds.txt is the exception) are
> typically edited and viewed on their own.
> Anyway, if there is a file listed here you don't think should move out
> of py3k and into the devguide, speak up.

No objections, +1.

While it seems convenient to have (e.g.) the list of maintainers directly
in the source tree,

a) developers already know where to find it, no matter if in Misc/ or devguide/

b) others first have to find it anyway, and it's better to find when embedded
   in the rest of developer-related docs

c) everyone can commit to the devguide as well as to cpython

d) people should get used to multiple repos with hg coming

Same goes for developers.txt.


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