[Python-Dev] devguide (hg_transition): Advertise hg import over patch.

Neil Hodgson nyamatongwe at gmail.com
Sun Feb 27 23:21:51 CET 2011

Adrian Buehlmann:

> FWIW, we are very close to releasing TortoiseHg 2.0 (due March 1st),
> which ported the current Gtk based TortoiseHg to Qt (although, it was
> more like a rewrite :-).

   I hope this is going to be fast. One of the reasons I chose Hg over
Bzr for another project was that the Bzr GUI tools which are written
using Qt are much slower, particularly when starting. A cold start of
Bazaar Explorer takes around 7 seconds on a new fast machine compared
with under a second to launch Hg Repository Explorer. Warm starts and
internal actions are better but the Hg GUI tools are still much
smoother than Bzr's.

   This slowness is quite common for Qt applications and I think is
because of the large set of DLLs that are loaded. Qt Creator is better
at around 4 seconds for a cold launch but, naturally, it doesn't
matter for an environment which you use for an extended period like Qt
Creator. It does matter for a VCS tool that you may invoke hundreds of
times in a day.


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