[Python-Dev] [Python-checkins] r88395 - python/branches/py3k/Lib/asyncore.py

Eli Bendersky eliben at gmail.com
Sun Feb 13 05:52:33 CET 2011

> I started working on a PEP last year, but I didn't get very far partly
> because I doubted the desire.
> What part do you think is a hard problem?  Convincing people to switch to a
> new API?  *Defining* the new API doesn't seem very hard to me.

I must say that the only time I needed the functionality asyncore
provides in some Python code, 5 minutes of browsing and reading
pointed me to Twisted anyway. I think that having the "ultimately
recommended" library for such programming in stdlib is a good idea, or
at least some core of it. We have a tradition of new modules replacing
old ones with the same functionality gradually (command line argument
parsing, for example) and if someone is motivated enough to prepare a
comprehensive PEP and then working on pulling it through, I think it
may work.


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