[Python-Dev] Proposal / Questions about OrderedDict literals and/or faster C implementation

Xavier Morel catch-all at masklinn.net
Fri Feb 11 10:06:57 CET 2011

On 2011-02-10, at 21:47 , Éric Araujo wrote:
> Ideas are usually discussed first on python-ideas to assess usefulness,
> get the pulse of the community, beat the API into shape and such things
> before coming up to python-dev.  (A number of core devs are on both lists.)
> You may want to search the mail archive for all the previous threads
> about adding a C version and literal notation for ordered dicts.

Indeed, there's been a discussion on this very subject not three weeks ago: http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-ideas/2011-January/009037.html

I'm guessing this request is going to get more common for some time, as people are getting aware Ruby switched its Hash implementation to an ordered dict in 1.9 (well they didn't exactly switch anything around, they added back and next pointers to their dict cells)

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