[Python-Dev] Python 3 optimizations continued...

stefan brunthaler stefan at brunthaler.net
Tue Aug 30 20:34:08 CEST 2011

> Um, I'm sorry, but that reply sounds incredibly naive, like you're not
> really sure what the on-disk format for .pyc files is or why it would
> matter. You're not even answering the question, except indirectly --
> it seems that you've never even thought about the possibility of
> generating a .pyc file on one platform and copying it to a computer
> using a different one.
Well, it may sound incredibly naive, but the truth is: I am never
storing the optimized representation to disk, it's done purely at
runtime when profiling tells me it makes sense to make the switch.
Thus I circumvent many of the problems outlined by you. So I am
positive that a full fledged change of the representation has many
more intricacies to it, but my approach is only tangentially


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