[Python-Dev] Python 3 optimizations continued...

stefan brunthaler s.brunthaler at uci.edu
Mon Aug 29 19:35:14 CEST 2011


pretty much a year ago I wrote about the optimizations I did for my
PhD thesis that target the Python 3 series interpreters. While I got
some replies, the discussion never really picked up and no final
explicit conclusion was reached. AFAICT, because of the following two
factors, my optimizations were not that interesting for inclusion with
the distribution at that time:
a) Unladden Swallow was targeting Python 3, too.
b) My prototype did not pass the regression tests.

As of November 2010 (IIRC), Google is not supporting work on US
anymore, and the project is stalled. (If I am wrong and there is still
activity and any plans with the corresponding PEP, please let me
know.) Which is why I recently spent some time fixing issues so that I
can run the regression tests. There is still some work to be done, but
by and large it should be possible to complete all regression tests in
reasonable time (with the actual infrastructure in place, enabling
optimizations later on is not a problem at all, too.)

So, the two big issues aside, is there any interest in incorporating
these optimizations in Python 3?

Have a nice day,

PS: It probably is unusual, but in a part of my home page I have
created a link to indicate interest (makes both counting and voting
easier, http://www.ics.uci.edu/~sbruntha/) There were also links
indicating interest in funding the work; I have disabled these, so as
not to upset anybody or make the impression of begging for money...

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