[Python-Dev] python and super

Ronald Oussoren ronaldoussoren at mac.com
Thu Apr 14 16:18:22 CEST 2011

On 14 Apr, 2011, at 15:09, Ricardo Kirkner wrote:

> Hi all,
> I recently stumbled upon an issue with a class in the mro chain not
> calling super, therefore breaking the chain (ie, further base classes
> along the chain didn't get called).
> I understand it is currently a requirement that all classes that are
> part of the mro chain behave and always call super. My question is,
> shouldn't/wouldn't it be better,
> if python took ownership of that part, and ensured all classes get
> called, even if some class misbehaved?

Not calling a method on super isn't  necessarily misbehavior.  It would be odd to not call super in __init__, but for other methods not calling the superclass implementation is fairly common.


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