[Python-Dev] Issue 11715: building Python from source on multiarch Debian/Ubuntu

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Sat Apr 2 02:03:09 CEST 2011

> >> Even if their servers won't run ubuntu 11.04+ (or something with the
> >> same library paths), their development environments will.
> >
> >They can also patch the Python releases themselves, or use Ubuntu
> >packages that someone else made for them (they can probably just install
> >the old 2.4 packages just fine).
> The Python 2.6, 2.7, and 3.2 packages in Ubuntu 11.04 already have essentially
> the same patch that I posted, so folks using Python 2.6 from the operating
> system will not have a problem.  Without this patch in our repository, folks
> building Python 2.6 from source will have to be aware of it.

So let them use Python 2.6 from Ubuntu. Case closed!



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