[Python-Dev] [Web-SIG] WSGI is now Python 3-friendly

P.J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Sun Sep 26 19:33:44 CEST 2010

At 08:20 AM 9/26/2010 -0700, Guido van Rossum wrote:
>I'm happy approving Final status for the
>*original* PEP 333 and I'm happy to approve a new PEP which includes
>PJE's corrections.

Can we make it PEP 3333, then?  ;-)

That number would at least communicate that it's the same thing, but 
for Python 3.

Really, my reason for trying to do the (non Py3-specific) amendments 
in a way that didn't require a new PEP number was because of the many 
ancillary questions that it raises for the community, such as:

* Is this is some sort of competition/replacement to PEP 444?
* What happened to the old one, why can't we just use that?
* Why isn't there a different protocol version?
* How is this different from the old one?

To be fair, I *also* wanted to avoid all the work associated with 
*answering* them.  ;-)  (Heck, I really wanted to avoid the work of 
having to even *think* about which questions *might* arise and how 
they'd need to be addressed.)

OTOH, I can certainly see that my attempt to avoid this has *already* 
failed: it simply brought up a different set of questions, just on 
Python-Dev instead of Web-SIG or Python-list.

Oh well.  Perhaps making the numbering appear to be a continuation 
will help a bit.

Another option would be to make a PEP that consists solely of the 
amendments and errata themselves, as this would answer most of the 
above questions directly.

Still another would be to abandon the effort to amend the PEP, and 
simply leave things as they are now: AFAICT, the fact that these 
amendments aren't in the PEP hasn't stopped anybody from *treating* 
most of them as if they were.  (Because everyone understands that 
failure to follow them constitutes a bug in your program, even if it 
technically complies with the spec.)

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