[Python-Dev] issue 10212

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Fri Oct 29 08:34:14 CEST 2010

On Fri, 29 Oct 2010 10:10:31 +0800
Kristján Valur Jónsson <kristjan at ccpgames.com> wrote:
> What finally drove me to write the original post, was that working with
> the new bytearray and memoryview object in 2.7 made me realize that
> they don't interoperate with other classes in a natural way and so
> nullify their advantages.  My straightforward patches to 2.7 to remedy
> this situation (issues 10211 and 10212) were met with the usual "it's
> not a bugfix" reply.

For the record, and that's not because you are using it here as an
argument, I misevaluated issue 10212. I thought you wanted to make
cStringIO objects *provide* the buffer protocol. Actually, your patch
simply makes it *accept* new buffer-compliant objects in places where it
already accepts old buffer-compliant objects (such as the write()
method). There is then much less contention against letting the patch
in (provided it gets reviewed :-)).

That doesn't change the rest of your argument, though; and I agree with
other people's voiced opinions that what you are proposing ("usability
improvements", etc.) is what we usually consider a new feature, in QA



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