[Python-Dev] Continuing 2.x

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Thu Oct 28 19:55:49 CEST 2010

On 28/10/2010 13:20, R. David Murray wrote:
> On Thu, 28 Oct 2010 16:07:50 -0000, lutz at rmi.net wrote:
>> I hope 3.X use expands; in fact, I've bet the future of at
>> least one book on it.  And even 1/4 of new users seems a
>> large enough subset to care about too.  But one can't help
>> but wonder if most of the development community is focused
>> on some imaginary future user base, at the expense of the
>> much larger current user base.  Then again, there's still
>> plenty of Fortran77 code out there, so...
> Given the existing rate of Python3 adoption (which by the signs we see in
> the tracker is increasing),

The Wing IDE guys get a lot of feedback from the "report issue" dialog 
that is built in to the IDE. This sends information to them which 
includes which version of Python the user is working with. They are 
seeing an ever increasing proportion number of users working with Python 
3 (I don't have numbers though).

All the best,

Michael Foord

> you can hardly call the user base imaginary.
> Further, Python development (and development in general!) is *always*
> focused on a "future user base" in the sense you are using it, not the
> "current user base".  That's pretty much part of the definition of
> development :)
> But the reality is that almost all those Python2 users are future Python3
> users, so they *are* the future user base.  And like Georg said, as far
> as we can see Python3 uptake is pretty much right on the schedule that
> was predicted when it was first released.
> --
> R. David Murray                                      www.bitdance.com
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