[Python-Dev] MemoryError... how much memory?

Facundo Batista facundobatista at gmail.com
Wed Oct 27 21:09:37 CEST 2010

On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 12:05 PM, Benjamin Peterson <benjamin at python.org> wrote:

> Isn't this usually when you do something like [None]*2**300? In that
> case, wouldn't you know how much memory you're requesting?

It could happen on any malloc. It depends on how much you have free.

Don't think on getting a MemoryError on a python you just opened in
the console. Think about a server with a month of uptime, where you
have all the memory fragmented, etc.

> Also, why is that useful?

It helps to determine why we're having some Memory Errors on our
long-lived server, how is the behaviour when that happens, etc.


.    Facundo

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