[Python-Dev] Distutils2 scripts

Greg Ewing greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz
Fri Oct 22 02:13:36 CEST 2010

Eric Smith wrote:
> Or for that matter a plain "pysetup". It would 
> be the one that a plain "python" would get you.

If 'pysetup' is simply a shell script that invokes 'python -m setup'
using the current search path, I guess that's true.

On Windows, however, it seems to me that the current 'python setup.py'
scheme has advantages, since it lets you simply invoke 'setup.py' and
rely on file associations to get you the current python. Supporting
either 'python -m setup' or 'pysetup' out of the box would require
install-time path hacking of the sort that some people are uncomfortable


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