[Python-Dev] About resolution “accepted” on the tracker

Éric Araujo merwok at netwok.org
Mon Oct 18 16:04:06 CEST 2010

Hi everyone

Raymond Hettinger noticed on the tracker that there are different
interpretations of the “accepted” resolution:

> Traditionally it denotes an approved patch, not a agreement that the
> bug is valid.

Daniel Stutzbach and I are (were) two users of the second meaning.  It’s
more useful to follow Raymond’s meaning, so that a simple query can find
all accepted patches that are awaiting commit.

I don’t remember if I took up this use from R. David Murray or someone
else, so I thought I’d redirect the message to python-dev so that all
triagers can see it.  Forward to python-list as you see fit, I’m not
subscribed there.


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