[Python-Dev] Distutils2 scripts

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Tue Oct 12 16:59:51 CEST 2010

On Oct 12, 2010, at 12:24 PM, Greg Ewing wrote:

>Giampaolo Rodolà wrote:
>> If that's the case what would I type in the command prompt in order to
>> install a module?
>> "C:\PythonXX\pysetup.exe"?
>> If so I would strongly miss old "setup.py install".
>Another thing bothers me about this. With the current scheme,
>if you have multiple Pythons available, it's easy to be sure
>that you're installing into the right one, because it's the
>one that you use to run setup.py. Whereas if installation is
>performed by a different executable, there's a possibility
>of them being out of sync.
>So I think I'd prefer some scheme involving 'python -m ...'
>or some other option to Python itself, rather than a separate

This is why I suggested that 'setup.sh' (or whatever) take a --python-version
option to select the python executable to use.

Whatever solution is implemented definitely needs to take the
multiple-installed pythons into account.


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