[Python-Dev] Centos 5.5 freeze during test_concurrent_futures

Łukasz Langa lukasz at langa.pl
Wed Nov 24 01:50:23 CET 2010

Hi there!

py3k built from trunk on Centos 5.5 freezes during regrtest on test_concurrent_futures with "Fatal Python error: Invalid thread state for this thread". As in a typical concurrent problem, subsequent calls freeze in different test cases, but the freeze itself is always reproducible and always during this test.

A colorful example: http://bpaste.net/show/11493/

I created an issue for that here: http://bugs.python.org/issue10517

If necessary, I can provide Centos 5.5 shell access. I would also like to donate a Centos 5.5 buildbot.

Best regards,
Łukasz Langa
tel. +48 791 080 144
WWW http://lukasz.langa.pl/

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