[Python-Dev] Issues 9931 and 9055 - test_ttk_guionly and buildbot run as a service

Hirokazu Yamamoto ocean-city at m2.ccsnet.ne.jp
Sat Nov 13 15:47:53 CET 2010

On 2010/11/13 2:07, Terry Reedy wrote:
> On 11/12/2010 3:44 AM, Paul Moore wrote:
>> Hi,
>> My buildbot has been failing for some time because of these 2 issues,
>> both related to the fact that tests are hanging when run as a service
>> (and hence have no display to open GUI elements on). Both issues have
>> patches, and as far as I am aware, the patches fix the issues
>> reasonably well. What can I do to move these 2 issues forwards? As
>> things stand, my buildbot is not providing a lot of value on the 3.x
>> branch :-(
> http://bugs.python.org/issue9055
> is marked as a 2.7 issue only, perhaps fixed by Tim Golden's committed
> patches. Should it be re-versioned for 3.1/2? There is no patch file
> attached, though perhaps the code in Yamamoto's message is meant as such
> (but for which version?). So the first thing you could do is clarify the
> current status and remaining issue on the tracker.
> http://bugs.python.org/issue9931
> by Yamamoto is marked for all 3 versions. It seems to be a similar
> issue, though marked 'test' rather than 'ctypes'. It does have a patch
> by him apparently based on his previous comments. The issue has no
> responses and needs a patch review. So the first thing you could do is
> to provide one;-). If it looks great (no changes that you can think of)
> and works great, say so. Then it can move on to commit review stage.
> PS. Providing links like the above makes it easier for multiple people
> to take a look and respond.

My patch won't fix issue9055 directly, but solves issue9931.
Probably it's easy to create a patch to fix issue9055 based
on my patch.

One problem is, how to skip test. With single decorator like
skip_unless_symlink? Or let requires() raise SkipTest?

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