[Python-Dev] Python-3 transition in Arch Linux

Allan McRae mcrae_allan at hotmail.com
Fri Nov 5 04:14:02 CET 2010

On 05/11/10 11:20, Jesus Cea wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 04/11/10 05:44, Allan McRae wrote:
>> The second case was particularly interesting.  These software would
>> change some of their #! to point at the python2 symlink and leave the
>> rest pointing at python.  Note that python-2.7 itself falls into this
>> category as many files in /usr/lib/python2.7 still have "#!/usr/bin/env
>> python" even when installed with "make altinstall".  I can not remember
>> the exact details, but I recall that some of these files were installed
>> with executable permissions which would be bad, but I need to look into
>> this again now things have calmed down...
> PLEASE, open a bug with this. It is a serious bug. "make altinstall"
> *SHOULD* be respected.

Done: http://bugs.python.org/issue10318


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