[Python-Dev] On breaking modules into packages Was: [issue10199] Move Demo/turtle under Lib/

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Wed Nov 3 20:26:53 CET 2010

On 03/11/2010 14:53, Eric Smith wrote:
> On 11/3/10 10:16 AM, Michael Foord wrote:
>> On 03/11/2010 14:05, Nick Coghlan wrote:
>>> On Wed, Nov 3, 2010 at 9:32 AM, Raymond Hettinger
>>> <raymond.hettinger at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Sounds like a decision to split a module into a package is a big
>>>> commitment. Each of the individual file names becomes a permanent
>>>> part of the API. Even future additional splits are precluded because
>>>> it might break someones dotted import (i.e. not a single function can
>>>> be moved between those files -- once in unittest.utils, alway in
>>>> unittest.utils).
>>> Can Python 2.7 pickles containing unittest classes be unpickled using
>>> 2.6 or earlier? Even if nobody uses the new names for imports, I
>>> believe they implicitly end up included in any pickles involving
>>> affected classes (I seem to recall we've been bitten by that before
>>> when moving things around).
>> Yes, since unittest.TestCase is still available (as are all the names).
>> I believe so anyway...
> Actually I think the answer is "no" (assuming you could pickle a 
> TestCase). Here's an example with TestLoader:

It is actually fixable by temporarily switching the __module__ attribute 
of the classes inside a __reduce__ or __reduce_ex__ method. I couldn't 
see a cleaner way of doing it using the pickling protocol methods. I 
asked on #python-dev but the *only* person who claimed to understand the 
pickle protocol methods was Barry, and he is clearly insane.

Antoine is firmly of the opinion that making TestCase instances 
unpickleable is a feature...

Although in practise this is less likely to be an issue for TestCase 
directly as it is extremely rare to use them without subclassing. More 
likely to be an issue for the test result or runner objects.

All the best,

Michael Foord

> $ python27
> Python 2.7.0+ (release27-maint:85878, Oct 28 2010, 06:40:25)
> [GCC 4.1.2 20070626 (Red Hat 4.1.2-13)] on linux2
> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
> >>> import unittest
> >>> x = unittest.TestLoader()
> >>> import pickle
> >>> pickle.dumps(x)
> 'ccopy_reg\n_reconstructor\np0\n(cunittest.loader\nTestLoader\np1\nc__builtin__\nobject\np2\nNtp3\nRp4\n.' 
> >>>
> $ python24
> Python 2.4.4 (#1, Oct 23 2006, 13:58:00)
> [GCC 4.1.1 20061011 (Red Hat 4.1.1-30)] on linux2
> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
> >>> import pickle
> >>> 
> pickle.loads('ccopy_reg\n_reconstructor\np0\n(cunittest.loader\nTestLoader\np1\nc__builtin__\nobject\np2\nNtp3\nRp4\n.')
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
> File "/usr/lib/python2.4/pickle.py", line 1394, in loads
> return Unpickler(file).load()
> File "/usr/lib/python2.4/pickle.py", line 872, in load
> dispatch[key](self)
> File "/usr/lib/python2.4/pickle.py", line 1104, in load_global
> klass = self.find_class(module, name)
> File "/usr/lib/python2.4/pickle.py", line 1138, in find_class
> __import__(module)
> ImportError: No module named loader
> The problem is that there is no unittest.loader in 2.4, and 
> unittest.loader.TestLoader is the name that the 2.7 pickle creates. We 
> see this problem every time we try and move anything in the stdlib.



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