[Python-Dev] On breaking modules into packages Was: [issue10199] Move Demo/turtle under Lib/

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Wed Nov 3 12:25:50 CET 2010

On 03/11/2010 02:57, Brett Cannon wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 19:50, Michael Foord<fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk>  wrote:
>> On 02/11/2010 02:35, Brett Cannon wrote:
>>> On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 03:42, Antoine Pitrou<solipsis at pitrou.net>    wrote:
>>>> On Tue, 26 Oct 2010 22:06:37 -0400
>>>> Alexander Belopolsky<alexander.belopolsky at gmail.com>    wrote:
>>>>> While I appreciate your and Michael's eloquence, I don't really see
>>>>> why five 400-line modules are necessarily easier to maintain than one
>>>>> 2000-line module.  Splitting code into modules is certainly a good
>>>>> thing when the resulting modules can be used independently.  This
>>>>> helps users write leaner programs, reduces mental footprint of
>>>>> individual modules, etc, etc.   The split unittest module does not
>>>>> bring any such benefits.  It still presents a single "big-ball-of-mud"
>>>>> namespace, only rather than implemented in a single file, it is now
>>>>> swept in from eight different files.
>>>> Are you saying that it has become a pile of medium-sized balls of mud?
>>>> I would like to say thanks for the mud, Michael! It's high quality mud
>>>> for sure.
>>> I realize I am a little late in this reply but issue 10273 linked to
>>> this and so now I am actually bothering to read this thread since it
>>> felt like bikeshedding when the thread began.
>>> I think the issue here is that the file structure of the code no
>>> longer matches the public API documented by unittest. Personally I,
>>> like most people it seems, prefer source files to be structured in a
>>> way to match the public API. In the case of unittest Michael didn't.
>> Well the structure *does* match the API (which is primarily why I disagree
>> with Raymond that this is a 'bad split').
> But not the public API as documented, e.g., it's documented as
> unittest.TestCase, not unittest.case.TestCase as the file structure
> suggests.

Right. I don't think that whether or not the unittest package structure 
is a good structure or not is determined by where we make users import 
the names from. Like others I see little value in reccommending people 
use the longer form for imports.

All the best,

Michael Foord

>> How could we have split the module into a package in a way that matched the
>> API, whilst still retaining backwards compatibility with the old API? We had
>> no choice but to export the public names at the top level.
> I'm not disagreeing with that. What I am saying is can now document
> that it's unittest.case.TestCase instead of having that just be an
> implementation detail.
> -Brett
>>> He did ask python-dev if it was okay to do what he did, we all kept
>>> quiet, and now we have realized that most of us prefer to have files
>> Most of us? Raymond, Alexander and Martin are the only ones I *recall*
>> complaining about the split specifically in this thread and not all of those
>> were on the grounds you mention. Several people supported the split. Guido
>> didn't object to it on these grounds and Antoine noted that finding core
>> classes was generally straightforward.
>>> [snip...]
>>> So basically it seems like we have learned a lesson: we prefer to have
>>> our code structured in files that match the public API.
>> When designing packages from the ground up that is a sensible rule of thumb
>> to follow, but usually follows naturally from good design. This doesn't
>> necessarily mean that all the sub-modules will export public APIs for
>> consumers, so this is where I disagree with this. Python's package system is
>> a very useful way of providing internal structure for projects. That doesn't
>> mean that this structure must always be exposed publicly.
>> It should be as easy to navigate as possible (and there is plenty about the
>> old unittest.py module that wasn't easy to navigate I can assure you), but I
>> *don't* think that the new package fails in a substantially greater way on
>> that score.
>> As Guido points out, this may depend a lot on which tools you use. I could
>> write more about the role and value of packages, I guess I'll save it for a
>> blog post.
>> All the best,
>> Michael Foord
>>> I think that
>>> is a legitimate design rule for the stdlib to follow from now on, but
>>> in the case of unittest it's too late to change it back (and it's a
>>> minor price to pay to learn this lesson and to have Michael
>>> maintaining unittest like he has been, plus we could consider using
>>> the new structure so that the public API matches the file structure
>>> when the need arises).
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