[Python-Dev] Sumo

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Thu May 27 00:51:19 CEST 2010

Le mercredi 26 mai 2010 à 23:41 +0100, Paul Moore a écrit :
> But a general
> purpose "Sumo" distribution *on top of* the stdlib? I'm skeptical.
> (Personally, my "essential extras" are pywin32, cx_Oracle and that's
> about it - futures might make it if it doesn't get into the stdlib,
> but that's about all).

Well, unless you are short on megabytes or on download bandwidth, would
you really care to get some modules you never use?
(there are probably some in the stdlib too!)

> I'm genuinely struggling to see how a Sumo distribution ever comes
> into being under your proposal. There's no evidence that anyone wants
> it (otherwise it would have been created by now!!) and until it
> exists, it's not a plausible "place" to put modules that don't make it
> into the stdlib.

I don't think all package owners dream of putting their software in the
stdlib. It's likely some don't care, and it's likely some would actively
refuse it (because e.g. they don't want to lose control).
So the suggestion is not to somehow salvage packages which "don't make
it into the stdlib", but to build a broader distribution of packages
without necessarily having people bow to the constraints of stdlib

Of course, I agree with you that someone has to do it if they want it to
happen :-)



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