[Python-Dev] PEP 3148 ready for pronouncement

Paul Moore p.f.moore at gmail.com
Mon May 24 09:17:21 CEST 2010

On 24 May 2010 03:58, Cameron Simpson <cs at zip.com.au> wrote:
> I almost am Brian's hypothetical user. I've got a "FuncMultiQueue" that
> accepts callables in synchronous and asynchronous modes for future
> possibly-concurrent execution, just as the futures module does. I've
> spent a _lot_ of time debugging it.

I pretty much am that user as well (whether or not I am hypothetical,
I'll leave to others to determine...)

I have a set of scripts that needed to do precisely the sort of thing
that the futures module offers. I searched for a fair while for a
suitable offering (this was before futures had been published) and
found nothing suitable. So in the end I implemented my own - and I hit
corner cases, and they needed a lot of work to fix. I now have a
working solution, but it's too tangled in the application logic to be
reusable :-(

If futures had been in the stdlib, I'd have used it like a shot, and
saved myself a lot of wasted time.

> There's a lot to be said for a robust implementation of a well defined
> problem. Brian's module, had it been present and presuming it robust and
> debugged, would have been quite welcome.

Precisely my view.


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