[Python-Dev] Alias for distutils.file_util.write_file in e.g. shutils

Olemis Lang olemis at gmail.com
Sun May 2 20:15:09 CEST 2010

Hello !

Often I have the contents to be written in a file at a given path that
I know as well. I recently tried to find a function in stdlib to do
that and to my surprise this is what I found :

  - Such function exists
  - It's `distutils.file_util.write_file`

IMO the last place where people'd look for such a function is inside
`distutils` package. Besides I reviewed modules listed under `File and
directory access` category in `Library Reference` and found nothing
even similar.

  - Is it a good idea to provide a similar function in
    e.g. shutils module ?

Probably there's already a better way to do this and my comment is
just irrelevant . Anyway is just a suggestion ;o)



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