[Python-Dev] Contribute

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Tue Mar 30 00:27:38 CEST 2010

On 30/03/2010 00:06, Valerio Turturici wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> my name's Valerio, i'm italian and i study computer science at 
> University of Pisa. I'm honored to speak and learn from people like you.
> My knowledge of C language is not very advanced, but i know Python 
> well enough. I really like to contribute, i can learn and improve a 
> lot. This is the first time that i participate in a serious, large and 
> complex project.
> Have you any advice for me? :)

The #python-dev IRC channel on freenode is a useful place to hangout if 
you have realtime questions.


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