[Python-Dev] __file__ and bytecode-only

Nick Coghlan ncoghlan at gmail.com
Sun Mar 14 22:43:12 CET 2010

R. David Murray wrote:
> On Sun, 14 Mar 2010 12:59:50 -0000, Jon Ribbens <jon+python-dev at unequivocal.co.uk> wrote:
>> Sorry if I missed it, but why on earth is the bytecode directory
>> __pycache__ and not .pycache? (Or indeed anything else that starts
>> with a '.') Surely this is a classic ideal use case for a "hidden"
>> directory?
> You did miss it.  Perhaps a link to the discussion should be added to
> the PEP, or a summary of it.  If I remember correctly the BDFL even
> weighed in on this point.

He did (in favour of keeping the directory visible).

Here's one reference (although not the main one):

My Google-fu is failing me, so I don't have a link to the other part of
the thread that I refer to in that message.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia

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