[Python-Dev] Catch SIGINT at Python startup

Victor Stinner victor.stinner at haypocalc.com
Mon Mar 8 22:43:45 CET 2010

Le lundi 08 mars 2010 22:18:34, Glyph Lefkowitz a écrit :
> On Mar 8, 2010, at 4:06 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > I am trying to remember why I made site.py failures non-fatal in the
> > first place. I don't have any specific recollection but it must've
> > been either from before the separation between site.py (part of the
> > stdlib) and sitecustomize.py (site-specific) or out of a worry that if
> > some external cause broke site.py (which does a lot of I/O) it would
> > be a fatal breakdown of all Python execution.
> The thing that occurs to me is that one might want to write an
>  administrative tool in Python to manipulate site.py, or even just some
>  data that something in site.py would load.  If exceptions from site.py
>  were fatal, then bugs in such a tool would be completely unrecoverable; in
>  trying to run it to un-do the buggy operation, it would crash immediately.

I don't think that modifying the site.py file is a good idea. Why not 
editing/generating the sitecustomize or usercustomize module?

Anyway, if you write such tool: use a different language or use a failsafe 
Python interpreter dedicated to this tool ;-)

Victor Stinner

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