[Python-Dev] [PEP 3148] futures - execute computations asynchronously

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Mon Mar 8 17:16:33 CET 2010

On 3/8/2010 6:14 AM, Nick Coghlan wrote:
> P.J. Eby wrote:
>> I'm +1 on adding a nice task queuing system, -1 on calling it by any
>> other name.  ;-)
> As Guido said, let's call the nice task queuing system "futures" and

I was confused by 'futures' also until Philip explained it as task-queue 
or task-pool, and hence also do not like it.

Since the examples in the PEP do *NOT* give example output, it was not 
clear to me whether execution or the termination thereof is ordered 
(queue) or not (pool). Looking more close, I gather that the prime 
results will be printed 'in order' (waiting on each even if others are 
done) while the url results will be printed 'as available'. Adding 'will 
print ...' and 'might print ...' outputs would help.

> point people wanting a full-power asynchronous process model to Twisted

That could be done in the PEP to clarify its scope.

Terry Jan Reedy

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