[Python-Dev] red buildbots on 2.7

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Mon Jun 21 22:25:26 CEST 2010

Le lundi 21 juin 2010 à 21:13 +0100, Michael Foord a écrit :
> If OS X is a supported and important platform for Python then fixing all 
> problems that it reveals (or being willing to) should definitely not be 
> a pre-requisite of providing a buildbot (which is already a service to 
> the Python developer community). Fixing bugs / failures revealed by 
> Bill's buildbot is not fixing them "for Bill" it is fixing them for Python.

I didn't say it was a prerequisite. I was merely pointing out that when
platform-specific bugs appear, people using the specific platform should
be helping if they want to actually encourage the fixing of these bugs.

OS X is only "a supported and important platform" if we have dedicated
core developers diagnosing or even fixing issues for it (like we
obviously have for Windows and Linux). Otherwise, I don't think we have
any moral obligation to support it.



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