[Python-Dev] red buildbots on 2.7

Paul Moore p.f.moore at gmail.com
Mon Jun 21 20:39:59 CEST 2010

On 21 June 2010 18:56, Bill Janssen <janssen at parc.com> wrote:
> Considering that we've just released 2.7rc2, there are an awful lot of
> red buildbots for 2.7.  In fact, I don't remember having seen a green
> buildbot for OS X and 2.7.  Shouldn't these be fixed?

Ack! My buildbot has looked fine, but on closer inspection, it was the
same build that's been running (more accurately, stuck in a test) for
5 days :-(

The main buildslave page looked fine - except for the dates, which I
didn't spot.

Thanks for the alert. I've killed the stuck test and should see some
runs going through now. Shame, really, I was getting used to seeing a
nice page of all green results...


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