[Python-Dev] #Python3 ! ? (was Python Library Support in 3.x)

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Sun Jun 20 14:51:40 CEST 2010

On Sun, 20 Jun 2010 13:33:35 +0200
Laurens Van Houtven <lvh at laurensvh.be> wrote:
> (One of the problems people I've talked to in private that were
> "pretty miffed" about is the dissonance between #python and
> python-dev, and that there's some problem with people assuming things
> said on #python as being very authoritative answers (ha ha). I think
> this is really bad for Python as a whole and I've love to hear ideas
> on how you guys think it could be fixed.)

Perhaps lower the tone a bit on http://pound-python.org/ ?
“foremost support system for developing quality Python
applications” ... “crack team of Python experts” ... “Your time won't
be wasted by architecture astronauts or trivial repetitions of the

(I understand these are slightly tongue-in-cheek but, if this page is
intented mainly for beginners, I think being descriptive is more

Also, mention other support options there - primarily comp.lang.python,
of course, and the official documentation pages.



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