[Python-Dev] Removing IDLE from the standard library

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Tue Jul 13 04:54:07 CEST 2010

On 7/12/2010 6:50 PM, "Martin v. Löwis" wrote:
> Am 13.07.2010 00:00, schrieb Terry Reedy:
>> On 7/12/2010 5:43 PM, "Martin v. Löwis" wrote:

>>> There should be an "Edit with IDLE" (sic) context menu item.
>> I agree, and thought about requesting such
> You misunderstand.

To the contrary. You misunderstood my humor ;-).

> There should be such a menu item *today*, *on your machine*.

Yes, I understood that claim.

> If it's not there, either the installation procedure went wrong,

It has never indicated that there was a problem.

> or you opted out of having it.

I do not recall having ever seen an option to include or exclude 'Edit 
with IDLE'. I will check more carefully on my next install.

I still wonder whether the installer is paying too much attention in 
this regard to the previous install. One thing it does not do, however, 
is pay enough attention to where the current install is. If I already 
have /xxx/python31, then it should at least default to putting a bugfix 
releases in the same place.

Terry Jan Reedy

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