[Python-Dev] [Idle-dev] Removing IDLE from the standard library

Kevin Walzer kw at codebykevin.com
Mon Jul 12 14:41:37 CEST 2010

> If I read the patch correctly it replaces the existing 8.4 support by support for 8.5. That would not be acceptable because it would result in a non-functional version of IDLE for anyone that hasn't installed a custom copy of Tk.

Not quite. It doesn't specify a version of Tk to run; it checks instead 
for whether Tk is built on Cocoa or Carbon. (It needs 8.5 to run on Cocoa.)

> The "checkForAppKit" function doesn't work with the system version of Tk that Python currently links to.

The checkForAppKit function queries the Tk windowing server for some 
information about its implementation. If it find 'AppKit,' then Cocoa's 
running: if no, then Carbon's running. If Carbon, then the code falls 
back to the current implementation.

> Does the patch work with the system version of Tk 8.4 on OSX?

I just tested it against Python 2.5/Tk 8.4.7 (the system install on 
Leopard), which runs on Carobn, and it works fine. I've also tested it 
against 2.6 with Tk-Cocoa, and again it runs fine.  I don't have access 
to other combinations of Python and Tk, such as Python 3.1, but I think 
these results indicate it's safe to apply.


Kevin Walzer
Code by Kevin

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