[Python-Dev] SVN <-> HG workflow to split Python Library by Module

David Stanek dstanek at dstanek.com
Fri Jul 2 22:09:22 CEST 2010

On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 3:25 PM, anatoly techtonik <techtonik at gmail.com> wrote:
> I planned to publish this proposal when it is finally ready and tested
> with an assumption that Subversion repository will be online and
> up-to-date after Mercurial migration. But recent threads showed that
> currently there is no tested mechanism to sync Subversion repository
> back with Mercurial, so it will probably quickly outdate, and the
> proposal won't have a chance to be evaluated. So now is better than
> never.

I don't think it would be very hard to update a read-only version of
Subversion. It just gets complicated if you plan on committing to both
Subversion and Mercurial.

Does having many little repos add more value than the pain it creates?

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