[Python-Dev] OS X buildbots: why am I skipping these tests?

Éric Araujo merwok at netwok.org
Thu Jul 1 07:41:53 CEST 2010

[Barry Warsaw]
> As an aside, I wonder if it would make sense to create an Ubuntu/Debian
> package that essentially just depended on all those -dev packages.  That way
> you could install this python-uber-dev package and get everything you needed
> to build a sumo Python.

I don’t know. Any Debian advanced user wanting to build a package can
just run “aptitude build-dep python2.6”. Aptitude has the nice property
of asking for a confirmation, so it’s even possible to cherry-pick from
the lists of deps (press “e” at the confirmation prompt). E.g., I choose
readline but not tk. So it seems to me that the information and the
command are already here.

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