[Python-Dev] Windows buildbots MSVC RTL popups

David Bolen db3l.net at gmail.com
Mon Aug 30 21:56:52 CEST 2010

Since the recent history of my two Windows buildbots has turned ugly,
I figured I'd mention that they both (XP and Windows 7) have started
generating quite a few GUI C++ RTL runtime pop-up assertions, which
has been throwing a wrench into things until they get manually
cleared.  I first noticed them Sunday night but they were probably
there 24-48 hours at that point.  These are R6034 "An application has
made an attempt to load the C runtime library incorrectly"

I glanced through recent commits and I don't think I see anything
obviously related but was wondering if anyone who might have been
committing changes in the past few days might have an thought?  The
source filename is truncated in the dialog (what genius at MS thought
that would be the one field worth truncating?!) so I am not absolutely
sure if they are limited to a specific branch or not.

I've thrown on an autoit script to try to automatically acknowledge
these dialogs so hopefully the affected test runs will just fail
rather than timing out and blocking later runs.

-- David

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