[Python-Dev] Windows

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Wed Aug 4 16:48:10 CEST 2010

On Aug 03, 2010, at 09:08 PM, Steve Holden wrote:

>It's a little disappointing to discover that despite the relatively
>large number of developers who have received MSDN licenses from
>Microsoft, none if us have the time to make sure that the buildbots are
>green for the 2.6.6 release.

Should note that I did try to build Python using my MSDN license for Windows 7
and Visual Studio 2010.  I only had an hour or so to attempt it, and did not
succeed, though I think I got as far as trying to properly situate various
dependent libraries (sqlite, ssl).

If anybody's successfully navigated the twisty maze, would you be able to
write something up on the wiki to describe the steps you've taken?

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