[Python-Dev] No response to posts

Ron Adam rrr at ronadam.com
Mon Aug 2 16:25:06 CEST 2010

On 08/02/2010 03:57 AM, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
> Ron Adam writes:
>   >  Something that may be more useful, is a "no activity" search field
>   >  with choices of day, week, month, year, etc... and make the output
>   >  sortable on time without activity.
> That's exactly what a sort on date of activity gives you, though, and
> it can be from longest down.

Yes, but when I do it, I either get a single specific day, or 2700 issues.

> Also, I think that most of the "date" fields actually allow ranges
> (iirc something like "today - 1 year, today" works, I've never
> actually used them), but I don't think this can be easily negated in
> the stock Roundup.  What could be done though is something like
> "created Jan 1 1970, today - 2 years AND open" to find bugs that have
> been hanging fire for more than two years.

Have you tried it?  I tried various different spelling and could only enter 
one specific day, "today" works, but "1 month" or "2 years" doesn't.

What does work is entering a partial date, ie...  2010-07 for all issues 
with activity this july. Or 2010 for all issues with activity this year.


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